International Journal Of Pure Medical Researchprovides an outlet for research scientists in areas of Medical Science. IJOPMR is an open access, peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide research and applications related to all the Medical sciences:
All branches of Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Medical Education, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, and Nursing. Submitted papers must be in technical English, suitable for scientific publication.
All articles have to be original articles that have not been published elsewhere or are being considered for publication in other journals.
All articles submitted will be peer reviewed by experts. Receipt of the manuscript will be acknowledged by email. Every effort will be made to complete the review process within 3 weeks and communicated to the corresponding author. Papers should be submitted electronically on the journal’s website. The Editorial board will strive for the quality of the journal and will also index the journal in various indexing bodies and the information will be updated on the journal website from time to time. We welcome all your submissions. I hope you will consider IJOPMR for your next submission.
If any further information is required please mail to The journal accepts manuscripts in the following forms: Original research articles Reviews Case reports Short communications.
Aim :International Journal Of Pure Medical Research goal is to stimulate new research ideas and foster practical application from the research findings. The journal publishes original research, review articles, case reports of such high quality as to attract contributions from the relevant international communities. Critical Objective: To maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity To improve health, health care, and health education, internationally by elevating the quality of medical care, disease prevention, and research To publish original, important, well-documented, peer-reviewed articles on basic medical sciences subject topics To provide doctors with continuing education in basic science to support clinical decisions To enable physicians to remain informed in multiple areas of basic medical science, including developments In the field of health education. To achieve the highest level of ethical medical journalism and to produce a publication that is timely, credible, and enjoyable to read.
Open Access Policy:
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.